
~Unschoolin'/Free-Schoolin' College For All~

We watched this fun movie last night. The title is Accepted. It's based totally in the free-schooling (formerly referred to as un-schooling, but for me a more specific and appropriate) philosophy, always coming at learning in a completely unorthodox way. But then again, that is what free-schooling is all about. There were some subtle as well as very direct messages that speak to what isn't working with the education system we've got now, which this movie addressed in a very funny and bold way. And of course the underdog wins out in the end, enlightening the so-called experts to a new way of viewing education. Plus all the student who weren't form-fitted for regular collage, found that their way of learning was not only perfect for them, but could help others as well. We all have something to teach...

link to learn more about the movie: Accepted

